Just look what Andrew has been doing. He has been trying to walk all by himself. I can't even believe it. He has been doing great. I so wish to go back to Bulgaria and show them how much he has changed. Those people don't understand how much they can change one life at a time. If only they don't leave those children in a crib 24/7. If only they feed them more than 2 to 3 battles a day. If only they can provide medical care for those kids. If only they took them out outside. If only they showed love to those kids.
This is what happened to my little brother Andrew and more. I hope those people see their kids from their orphanage and see how much they have been changed and will.
It has been amazing to see how God worked in this little boy's life and will. I can't wait to see what else God will bring to us. Thank you Jesus
Oh that is so wonderful! Such a big step for him! :)